PC users
Click on your preferred image size above to be directed to the downloadable wallpaper.
Right click on the picture and follow these instructions according to your browser:
Google Chrome users select "Save image as" and save it to your hard drive.
Internet Explorer users select "Set As Background"
Firefox (Mozilla) users select "Set As Desktop Background"
Opera users select "Use image on desktop"
After saving it open the folder where you saved the image. Double click to open the image in windows picture. Right click on the image and select "Set As Desktop Background".
MAC users
Click on your preferred image size above to be directed to the downloadable wallpaper.
Save the image and use the control panel to set the picture as background.
iOS users
Click on your preferred image size above to be directed to the downloadable wallpaper.
Press on the image with your finger until a popup appears.
Click "Save Image".
Go to Photos app and search for the image, press the icon with an arrow and select "Use as Wallpaper".